Agtergrond Nadat die Boere-republieke ná afloop van die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) in die Britse Ryk opgeneem is, het die Afrikaner sy geskiedenis opnuut ontdek. Uit die volksgeskiedenis moes bindkrag vir die volk gevind word vir ʼn eie identiteit en erfenis teen die Britse kultuur-invloede. Die Kaaps-Hollandse Herlewingstyl het net ná hierdie gebeurtenis in Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis…
Information for owners and developers
1. Structures older than 60 years. Section 34 of the National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (25 of 1999) states, “No person may alter or demolish any structure or part of a structure which is older than 60 years without a permit from the relevant provincial heritage resources agency”. In the Western Cape the provincial heritage…
Press release 5 June 2017 regarding the Seven Passes Road.
Much is being said about the Seven Passes Road but the basics of the matter are rather simple and straight-forward: Part of the historic Seven Passes Road (eleven kilometers) was declared a National Monument several years ago. When the National Monuments Act of 1969 was repealed in 1999, the National Heritage Resources Act of 1999…
Betekenisvolle bome van George / Significant trees of George
Betekenisvolle bome van George Significant trees of George Uit ‘n erfenis-oogpunt / from a heritage perspective. (Please feel free to contact us with suggestions and/or comments.) 1 X347 Grevillea robusta Australian silky oak Australiese silvereik Reuse-silvereike agter Moederkerk 2 298 Ekebergia capensis Cape ash Essenhout Reuse-essenhout by sorgsentrum, Missionweg, Pacaltsdorp 3 X312 Quercus robur English…
2015 – the year of the Champion trees of George
No protection = death … At the George Heritage Trust meeting of 11 February 2015 the decision was made to declare 2015 the year of the George Champion trees. We are looking for the finest and best Heritage Trees of George, to be included in an inventory. The main purpose of this is to aid the…
Cultural Landscapes
The term “cultural landscape” refers to the imprint created on a natural landscape through human habitation and cultivation over an extended period of time. While the Cape has been inhabited for many hundreds of thousands of years (pre-colonial history) prior to Western settlement (colonial history), the nomadic lifestyles of early inhabitants are not always as…
Our Architectural Heritage
(Sec. 33 – 38) of the NHR ACt of 1999 proclaims that all structures older than 60 years falls under the category General Protections. A building can not be looked at in isolation, but ‘place’ should be taken into consideration: Place includes – (a) a site, area or region; (b) a building or other structure…
Urban regeneration
The historic environment is not static. It is dynamic and subject to constant pressure for change. This offers exciting opportunities for enhancing the places where we live and work. Managing the historic environment effectively means identifying the contribution the historic environment makes to the spirit of a place, to its historic character and to its…