Nuusberig 24 Februarie 2017 rakende George Erfenis gedenkplaatjies

‘n Aantal nuwe gedenkplaatjies gaan vanjaar deur die George Erfenistrust aangebring word by gehoue en plekke van historiese en erfenisbelang in George. Die plaatjies by hekke en plekke in die stadskern gee besonderhede van die bepaalde gebou of kerk en is bedoel om bewustheid te skep vir die ruim erfenis van twee eeue wat George…

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About us

The principal object of the trust is to engage in or promote activities which are of a cultural historical nature: 1. Conserving the architectural, archaeological, cultural and natural heritage of the district of George and its environs for the benefit and sustainable utilisation of the inhabitants and the nation at large.This is done through working…

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