Meeting held at George Museum 20 May 2014 10h30 am.
1. Present: Philda Benkenstein, Joh Groenewald, Okkie Stander, Nanno Evenhuis, Marlize de Bruyn, Kathy Schulz, Linda Labuschagne, Lynne Thomson, Donald Cameron, Stéfan de Kock, Heno Bosman.
2. Welcome by Heno Bosman
Apologies: Henry Pain; Karin Kruger; Natie de Swart; Philip Parsons.
3. Chairman’s Report
1.As a member of the aesthetics committee I have a good relationship with the municipality and have received notifications from them regarding anything historical.
I attended two meetings regarding a heritage inventory, but not much can be done on a limited budget. A document regarding an alternative framework for that will be discussed at the next GHT meeting.
During investigations into the Searl Building, the Heritage Trust became involved and we were allowed to ask questions and make suggestions which they followed. They accepted our saying “no” on a number of issues. Natie de Swart and Philda Benkenstein often attended meetings with me there. This is a good example of what can be achieved. However, we need a set framework (committee) to determine what is acceptable and how we conduct our work in future.
Another issue that was discussed was the Tree Lane at CTM. The request to replace the tree was rejected.
2. On the initiative of Natie de Swart, we had a meeting to discuss the way forward for the George Heritage Trust.
4. Discussion time was allowed prior new committee ellection. The new Committee will be : PhildaBenkenstein as chair (proposed by Heno Bosman and seconded by Nanno Evenhuis)
Linda Labuschagne as secretary (proposed by Philda Benkenstein and seconded by Kathy Schulz)
Heno Bosman as vice chair (proposed by Philda Benkenstein and seconded by Stéfan de Kock)
Nanno Evenhuis as treasurer ( will retain position) He enquires about signatures for accounts/mandate.
5. New Members. Ordinary membership is open to people and organizations with an interest in heritage.
6. The Road Ahead:
a. The Trust’s structure and function.
Linda – find out who the heritage committee in Pacaltsdorp is.
Henno will go on with his role as liaison officer with Municipality.
Kathy suggested that we need a legal person involved. Don Cameron will speak to Dolf Louw to ask if he will be available should the need arise.
Kathy suggests employing a secretary. (Someone such as Adin who will not only take minutes, but also be a web manager and liaise with the chairperson.) From his experience as secretary on a professional heritage body, Stefan stresses the importance of such a position. It will be a paid job; the committee can discuss the fee later.
Vision: The era of technology and therefore better communication allows us to expand our vision. We move away from merely being a watchdog to becoming an advisory body on issues of restoration and culture. We must take the initiative, knowing that we do not possess all the expertise necessary for the work, but that we know where to find those who do. We must become an information avenue to make the government and the public aware of what they need to do and the patience required to undertake restorations.
b. Trustees and Membership.
Re. Inactive Trust Members: Philda Benkenstein suggests that the GHT should become more representative and remove trust members that have never attended a meeting as is put down in the original document : with a 50% agreement they can be removed by the committee (Heno Bosman). Philda contacted Yvonne van Heerden; she still wants to be involved.
c. Introduction to Multimedia. Adin Walls has been tasked to start on a website. He gives a presentation on the website design as well as the new facebook page. Adin is requested to quote a monthly webmaster fee.
Special committee for website: Philda Benkenstein, Heno Bosman, Joh Groenwald, Kathy Schulz, Stéfan de Kock. Stefan to provide legislative terms for web categories.
d.Inter-action with Heritage Western Cape. Stefan de Kock confirms that the draft inventory has been refused as incomplete and inaccurate. The Municipality now has to take further action to ensure that an acceptable heritage register is presented to Heritage Western Cape.
e. Inter Action with Municipality. For action Heno Bosman, Stefan de Kock and Don Cameron.
7. Finance. Nanno Evenhuis presents the Financials and receives permission to add Philda Benkenstein and Heno Bosman as co-signatories.
8. Next Meeting: 19 June 2014