The George Heritage Trust is registered with Heritage Western Cape – registration number HM/CB/0815/35.

 Click here to  Download the National Resources Heritage Act

The Trust operates as a non-profit organization working in the interests of our community, based in the George Municipal area, covering Uniondale, Pacaltsdorp,George, Haarlem, Wilderness. We welcome other volunteers willing to join our endeavors towards the sustainable conservation of our rich multi-faceted heritage. We get together once a month – normally on the last Thursday of every month during lunchtime. We are registered with Heritage Western Cape (HWC) and therefore asked to comment on heritage applications that are presented to HWC.

Regarding our logo: Die Patathuis, the oldest standing structure of George, is a symbol of the community heritage which is cherished by the George Heritage Trust. Standing in Mission Road, Pacaltsdorp, this tiny two-roomed cottage was built by Carl August Pacalt in 1813 and served as his pastoral residence for many years.

Generally, limited consultation services and advice are provided for free, but extensive research, investigation, and motivation may require the appointment of independent specialists.

Committee Members

Chairman: The trust is chaired by Willie-John van Niekerk (local businessman, owner of heritage property and active on various environmental action groups.) He is assisted by Henry Paine, a local Heritage Architect.

Vice-Chair: Dr Natie de Swardt is a local Cultural Historian and also chair of the Stigting Simon van der Stell.

Treasurer: Nanno Evenhuis is a local businessman with an interest in heritage. He is the main sponsor for the compilation of the Pacaltsdorp Heritage inventory.

Secretary: Philda Benkenstein is the owner of a heritage property.  Tel 071 441 9132

Other Members:

Elsa Graser is one of the founding members of the George Heritage Trust. 

Monnica Vaccaro is a member of WESSA.

Melanie Martins is a local Tourism Officer working on community cultural tourism and proved to be an invaluable asset to the Trust in compiling the Pacaltsdorp Heritage Inventory. 

Blanch Benjamin is an activist for the history of Pacaltsdorp and assisted with the collection of data for the heritage inventory of Pacaltsdorp.

Join us:     e-mail           Membership fee is R50- p/a

Founding objectives of the George Heritage Trust.

It is a founding objective of the George Heritage Trust to identify, evaluate and record buildings of historic, cultural, architectural, or community value in terms of the national legislation and subsequent provincial regulations. To assist the local authorities to get this legislation working on all levels. To provide research and help to the public who enquire and to heighten awareness and encourage active support of the preservation and importance of our heritage sites.

The principal object of the trust is to engage in or promote activities that are of a cultural-historical nature:

1. Conserving the architectural, archaeological, cultural and natural heritage of the district of George and its environs for the benefit and sustainable utilization of the inhabitants and the nation at large. This is done through working with local authorities and a number of other public and private bodies that have an interest in our Municipal district’s planning system.

2. Consultation is an essential and important aspect of our working methods.

3.1. Educating the general public in the conservation, protection, restoration, and redevelopment of buildings, land or other objects, movable or immovable which are of historical, architectural, archaeological, aesthetic, or ethnic importance; to stimulate an interest in arid awareness of urban conservation amongst members of the public by publishing books, pamphlets, and other material; to make known in an appropriate manner to the public the activities of the trust and to promote its support.

3.2.  A Task of the Trust is to forge unity amongst the previously divided cultural groups; to share knowledge, to educate, and to create awareness.

3.3. Making such arrangements as are necessary to enable the public to view and enjoy any artifacts, activities, or buildings, whether free or at a charge.

4. Maintaining an acquisition register of collected architectural, cultural, and natural historical elements.

Click here to  Download the National Resources Heritage Act