waenhuis croppedThe George Heritage Trust, founded in 1996 as a non-profit organisation, promotes the sustainable conservation of the architectural, archeological, cultural/living and natural heritage of George and the surrounding district for the mutual benefit of all. We are registered with Heritage Western Cape (registration number HM/CB/0815/35.)

Acting as custodians of the greater George heritage environment, the Trust works in consultation with residents, property owners, developers, other civic bodies and the authorities. A series of heritage plaques placed on buildings in the central business district testify to the Trust’s endeavors.

The National Heritage Resources Act of 1999 prescribes the preservation of all buildings and structures older than 60 years. We may not be able to change the law but we can make it easier for owners, developers, and officials to decide on priorities.

The George Heritage Trust is known for its balanced and reliable advisory inputs and enjoys broad-based support. Ordinary membership is open to individuals and organisations with an interest in heritage preservation.

The consultative services of the Trust are generally provided for free, but extensive research, investigation and motivation may require the appointment of independent specialists. Trustees include experts in history, architecture, town planning, urban development, impact assessment, archival and museum science, cultural heritage and natural history.

The George Heritage Trust can assist with research to ascertain whether your property is indeed older than 60 years.
The cost can range from  R250.00  up to  R1500.00, depending on the time spent on research.
Section 34 (1) of the National Heritage Resources Act of 1999 states: No person may alter or demolish any structure or part of a structure which is older than 60 years without a permit issued by the relevant provincial heritage resources authority.
The relevant Provincial Heritage Authority (PHA) in the Western Cape Province is Heritage Western Cape (HWC). No local authority or any other body can authorize such demolition or alterations.
Sections 45, 50 and 51 make provision for Stop work orders, compulsory repair orders and fines.
Permit applications can be obtained from the HWC website hwc.hwc@westerncape.gov.za or by calling telephone number 021 483 5959.
Artikel 34 (1) van die Wet op Nasionale Erfenishulpbronne van 1999 lui: Niemand mag enige struktuurof deel van enige struktuur wat ouer as 60 jaar is, verander of sloop sonder ‘n permit deur die betrokke provinsiale erfenisowerheid uitgereik nie.
Die relevante provinsiale erfenisowerheid (PEO) in die Wes-Kaap is Erfenis Wes-Kaap (EWK). Geen plaaslike regering of enige ander liggaam kan sodanige sloping of verandering magtig nie.
Artikels 45, 50 en 51 maak voorsiening vir Stop werk-opdragte, bevele vir verpligte herstel en boetes.
Aansoeke vir permitte kan verkry word van EWK se webblad hwc.hwc@westerncape.gov.za of deur telefoonnommer 021 483 5959 te skakel.

George, Western Cape, South Africa | thegeorgeheritagetrust@gmail.com
Tel:  071 441 9132 (Philda Benkenstein)